Longo Mai frequently hosts academic tourists, including groups from colleges and universities accompanied by faculty or staff, and has hosted groups as large as 30-40 for overnight stays. It is possible to do original research on site, with opportunities to study biology, ecology, agriculture, political science, culture or business in levels ranging from high school to doctoral dissertations, several of which have used Longo Mai as a research base.
Dozens of studies have been made in Longo Mai on all kinds of academic topics (see below for a list of papers published), and many more studies are needed, in particular research on river biology and contamination from surrounding developments. This information could be extraordinarily helpful in receiving government support for protecting the rivers, and much of the research done here can help the community. Other possible project ideas include soil conservation, (tap-)water quality, the local animals and plants, and petroglyphs (pre-Colombian archaeological artifacts that are prevalent at Longo Mai).
Professors and study abroad leaders interested in bringing a class can contact Dr. Amanda Sturgill below with questions, or email Longo Mai directly.
If you’re interested in bringing a class to Longo Mai, you are welcome to reach out to Dr. Amanda Sturgill, a professor at Elon University who brought a graduate student group to Longo Mai for four days. E-Mail:
The following studies are just a sample of what has been published in regards to the research done in Longo Mai. To see a full list, please reach out to us via the contact page.
- Boehme Jana. Germinación del árbol de chiricano (Humiriastrum diguense). 2019.
- Histories and testimonies from the community of Longo Mai, Costa Rica. 2019.
- Tramezzani Marta. El Proyecto Hidroeléctrico San Rafael y la responsabilidad social empresarial. 2019.
- Andrés Santamaría. Producción de café orgánico: fertilidad del suelo y fertilizantes en Longo Mai. 2019.
- Katherine Graham, María Alejandra Maglianesi, Emanuel Brenes. Ecology of plants and Hummingbirds Interactions. 2019.
- Amy Rogin. Uso sostenible del Río Convento. 2017.
- Ketchem Bethany. The Environmental and Social Effects of Monoculture in Costa Rica.2017.
- Andrés Cambronero Rodríguez y Daniel Fernández Vázquez. Vivencia y manejo de la afectividad en los movimientos sociales: la experiencia de la Comisión Defensora de los Ríos Convento y Sonador. 2017.
- Matt Rosenstein. Promoting Sustainability through Biodiversity, Food Security and Financial Security: Diversification of Agriculture in Longo Mai, Rio Sonador, Costa Rica. 2017.
- Celina Virgen. Nutrición y hábitos alimenticios en la comunidad Longo Mai, Costa Rica. 2017.
- Ramona Linder. Die Auswirkungen der Privatisierung der Stromerzeugung auf das Menschenrecht Wasser – das Beispiel Longo Mai, Costa Rica. 2016.